Cassie Willis (Ngemba/Yuwaalaraay, Brewarrina NSW) is a freelance graphic designer currently studying a Masters Research (Design) at UTS. She worked at Jumbunna Institute as an administration co-ordinator and in different project in the Indigenous Archives and Stewardship Data Hub. Cassie is interested in the history of graphic design and visual communication from Indigenous and non-Indigenous perspectives and how these intersect and collide. She is also interested in curatorial activism, which aspires to decentre the world order and increase the representation of contemporary Indigenous voices and histories in cultural institutions.
The logo and watermark design is a reference to Aboriginal songlines and connected communities that the Hub will join together and work with in terms of Aboriginal collections, digital keeping places for cultural heritage and knowledge. It is also referencing connection to the land and is sometimes an aerial view of lines on Country. At other times, looking at the horizon—to the hills, mountains and waves of the Australian landscape.
Follow Cassie Willis at @electrographic_studio